Wednesday, September 15, 2010


A single sentence of gratitude
and appreciation can do magic to your
persona.Feel the emotion to
thank someone for the smallest
contribution he has made
to bring that smile on
your face when you needed one
so badly.Do not forget to
thank yourself as well,for at least
one good deed you be able to do in a day.
Appreciate yourself too!


Seek the very best instruction
possible and listen to what you are taught.Learning
to associate is a tremendous amount of pleasure.
You will never be disappointed and your
life will become one inspiring adventure.
As there are three principal means of acquiring
knowledge...observation of nature,
reflection and experimentation.
Observation collects facts,reflection combines them,
experimentation verifies the result
of the combination.


Do not stop your aspirations,
the more you demand,more you aspire to
achieve.Expand the greed to attain more
and put your 100% in all you do.
Stretch out your hands like there's no
tomorrow,capture the best that is
available around.There is no easy
way to attain things,but the best & honest
contribution you make,can get all
that you want.Do not stop
the feel to ask and find more.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


The joy of sharing has no comparisons
and the art of giving has no
measures of pleasure.The state of
living with command is when you know
how to share and when to share.
Lend your helping ears and
share your views and thoughts with
those who matter to you.Do not
discriminate the individuals
while sharing yourself,there is no more
satisfying pleasure than
contributing yourself.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Life is all about learning & exploring,
new things each day and each moment.
Have a learner's attitude and be
a good student.With time you will
gain wisdom and find the ability to
learn new things in each single moment.
Every single experience is a part of
learning process,remember even teacher's
have teachers.No one is born
learned,life is all about exploring and
attaining knowledge with time.

Monday, June 28, 2010


To gain the mastery of yourself,
you must do something everyday to develop yourself
and your potentials.This is nothing more
than practice and development of good habits
which will help you reach the higher
levels to which you aspire for.
One isn't necessarily born with courage,but
one is born with potential.Without courage
we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.
We can't be kind,true,merciful,
generous or honest.


Do not neglect your talent and
expect things to happen without effort.
Don't ascribe failure to
lack of inspiration or ability,or misfortune,
rather than to insufficient application.
At the core of every true talent there is
an awareness of the difficulties inherent
in any achievement, and the
confidence that by persistence and
patience something worthwhile
will be realised. Thus talent is a species
of vigor.So trust your confidence!